K adalah :
k.... keinginan lain yg berupa angan2, cita2, harapan, dst.
pengantar teori K.
kalau keinginan kita terpenuhi maka kita akan merasa senang (hepi, joy, gembira, riang, puas, bangga, ...).
tetapi rasa senang tsb hanya sementara, bs berkurang atau hilang, menjadi biasa -biasa saja lg.
dmk jg dg sebalik nya kl keinginan tdk terpenuhi maka akan merasa tidak senang (sedih, susah, marah, kecewa, dst).
tp rasa sedih tsb jg akan berlalu...
mengapa demikian ?
amati diri kita.
amati orang lain.
jika K terpenuhi akan senang, gembira, puas, bangga, sukaria, ...
tapi rasa senang tsb tdk lama atau lama2 berkurang dan hilang... menjadi biasa lg.
krn... jika terpenuhi K tersebut akan melar, membesar atau bertambah terus... sampai seimbang dan merasa biasa lg.
dmk juga sebalik nya.
jika K tidak terpenuhi maka akan timbul rasa sedih, berat, susah, kecewa, malu, marah, ...
tapi rasa sedih tsb juga lama2 berkurang dan bisa hilang... dan menjadi biasa lg.
krn... jika tdk terpenuhi maka K akan mungkret , menyusut atau berkurang terus... sampai seimbang dan merasa biasa lg.
ternyata kita semua punya RASA SAMA yaitu rasa susah senang sedih riang silih berganti, berubah2 dan berulang?
dan ini berlaku u semua orang.
org baik dn tdk.
org pintar dh tdk.
org kaya dn tdk.
org cantik dn tdk.
org sehat dn tdk.
... semua orang!!
ternyata krn... K yg sifat nya melar mungkret.
berlaku untuk semua K ‼️
Keinginan akan...
ingin uang
ingin barang
ingin ruang
ingin wkt luang
ingin sekolah
ingin merampok
ingin amal/ menyumbang
ingin sehat
ingin tidak sakit
ingin nyaman
ingin tdk sengsara
ingin ....dst.
boleh dibahas.
boleh dibalas.
boleh direnungkan saja.😌
berlaku SAMA untuk semua orang :
kebutuhan dasar bs berkembang menjadi keinginan.
bisa melar lg menjadi keserakahan tanpa batas...
benar kah?
amati diri.
amati sekeliling.
Kebutuhan = ...
demand, necessity, what we will take for .... bertahan hidup.
Keinginan =
what we want,
what we wish,
what we will take for .... enak, nyaman, hobi, gengsi, ...
W .... stands for :
what we want.
what we wish.
what we will take for.
what we need, demand, desire, hope, dream... etc.
When W is fulfilled, naturally we feel happy, jolly, content, proud, and joyful.
Yet this feeling of happiness is only a fleeting moment. It keeps decreasing along with time and eventually disappears from inside us completely, deprives us from the "sparks" we sensed before.
The more often we satisfy our W, the more it stretches, increases, and grows larger and larger... until it hits the limit. What once felt so special becomes our new standard. The more we get used to this feeling, the more we grow numb to it and will seek for more.
It also works the other way around.
If we can't satisfy the W, we feel sad, heavy-hearted, punishing, disappointed, shameful, angry, etc.
The negative feelings will also decrease and disappear one day, and we'll get used to it as well.
Because when we learnt that our W is not fulfilled, we have no choice but to make peace with the situation, and as we resigned ourselves to fate, the W will shrink and decrease... until we regain our balance and feel normal again.
Why does the positive and negative feelings come round and round repetitively?
This cycle applies to every human being.
The good and the bad,
The genius and the fool,
The rich and the poor,
The beauty and the plain,
The healthy and the sick,
… All kind of people.
Because the nature of W is to stretch and shrink when faced with something in life.
All forms of W...
The desire for money, material possessions, space, and time,
The desire for good education, to steal for money, to donate to charity,
The desire for a healthy body, to be cured from illness,
for comfort, for a safe place without sufferings,
The desire ... etc.